Annie LAM
Diplôme national supérieur d’expressions plastiques à Rennes.
Lam, A. (1996) Voyeur vu. [Video, Dance Performance]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Salon de l'érotisme, Brussels, Belgium.
Lam, A. (Artist), Unfricht, Y (Model), Anna K (Model). (1996). Histoire de l'Oeil. [Installation, butoh, interactive performance] Directed by Annie Lam. Produced by Lam, A and J.F Conesa.
The Strange Festival, Lille, France.
Lam, A (Artist), Unfricht, Y (Model). (1997) Pimprenelle et Nicolas. [Butoh performance] Produced and directed by Annie Lam.
Lam, A. (2001) Planète nounours. [Butoh performance, installation, Expositioin dessins] Association gallery/libertine club, Borderline, Nantes, France.
Lam, A. (2001) Nude, (video performance in 5 acts, directed and producted by Annie Lam.
Désillusion, (video performance), Boustouler.W, (model performer) , Boustouler,W. (capture image, music)
Narcisse, (video performance), Unfricht,Y. (model performer), Lam,A. (performer)
Tergiverseur, (video performance), Boustouler,W., (model performer)
La brouette, (video performance), Boustouler,W., (model performer), L, Lam.A, (performer)
Ils s'emmerdent, (video performance), Boustouler, W (performer), Lam,A. (model performer)
Exposition collective au BlocKhaus « DY 10 » à Nantes, France
Lam, A. (2002) Personal exhibition called Annie Lam gathering 4 installations and 1 butoh performance. Autoportrait [Photographic installation], Pluie de sperme [Sculptures, modeling clay], Toile [Fluorescent fishing thread], Fetish [Art installation : condom and various objects].
Lam, A (Artist), Unfricht, Y (Model), Boustouler, W (Musician). (2002) Histoire banale [Butoh performance]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Gallery "O", Nantes, France
Lam, A (Artist), Talbot, R-P (Model), Paulico, S (Model), Paulico, T (Model), Boustouler, W (Musician). (2001) Golden Boy and the Swan. [Butoh Performance, Art installation]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam. Galerie "O", Nantes, France.
Le Château, Le Rheu, Rennes, France
Lam, A (Artist), Unfricht, Y (Model), Paulico, S (Model), Guillet, A (Model), Guillet, S (Model), Masson,M (Model). (2004) Corrida Humana. [Butoh Performance in 3 acts] Directed and produced by Annie Lam. Music by Annie Lam.
Lam, A, Unfricht, Y, Paulico, S, Guillet, A, Guillet, S, Marie. (2003) Satyre, Act 1.
Unfricht, Y, Paulico, S. (2003) Saint Sébastien, Act 2.
Unfricht, Y, Guillet, S. (2003)
Barbarella, Act 3.
L'Anneau de Justine, club libertin ambulant, Nantes, France.
Lam A. (Mise en scène, Mistress performer), Naëlle, (model performer). Ligne de vie, Naëlle 0001. (Action Painting);directed by Annie Lam and producted by "l'anneau de Justine".
Festival Saint Molf, Bretagne, France.
Lam, A (Shibari, Mistress, Performer), Paulico, S (Shibari Assistant). (2007) L'Autel. [Interactive Installation].
L'anneau de Justine, soirée privée, Nantes, France
Lam, A (Dancer, Mistress Performer), Naëlle (Model). (2009), Ligne de vie, Naëlle 0001. [Action Painting, Butoh Performance]. Directed by Annie Lam and produced by L'anneau de Justine.
Exposition collective France-Japon, Chateaubriant, France
Lam, A (Danser, Artist, Drawing, Shibari, music), Paulico, S (Artist, Drawing, Musician, Actor), Naëlle (Model Performer).
Gnothi Seauthon (2008) in 2 acts.
Ligne de vie, Naëlle, 0002. [Butoh performance, Action Painting, Music].
Muse en cage, Naëlle 0001 (Shibari, Action drawing).
Payen F. (images). Produced by France Japon and directed by Annie Lam. Music by Annie Lam.
Les expressifs, Poitiers, France
Lam A. (Mistress performer), Naëlle (model performer), Paulico S. (acteur dessinateur), Myrthim, (flûte et saxophone), (2008), Ligne de vie, Naëlle 0003, (Action Painting) directed by Annie Lam and producted by Poitiers jeune
Branlebas "Un week-end à la campagne" Festival multi arts, Moisdon La Rivière, France
Lam, A (Producer, artistic director)
Kulczowski,N (Music Director)
Parc de sculpture, Gravotel parc, Moisdon la Rivière, France
Gravotel, Moisdon la Rivière, France
Saint Louis Theater, Moisdon la Rivière, France
La Charpenterie, Moisdon la Rivière, France
Séances, Art Human Installation, Saint-Louis Theater.
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Kco (Actor, Model), Unfricht, Y (Model, Dancer), Naëlle (Model), Mina (Model), Mathurin, S (Model), Paulico, S (Model, Performer), Halet, M (Comedian), XL (Model). (2008)
Humanus Sacrum. [Performance theater]. Played in 7 acts : Golden Boy, Corrida Humana, Combat de Coqs, Genus Variation, Le Trait, Sew and Sacre du Printemps. Directed and produced by Annie Lam. Improved live music by Myrthim (vents), Paulico T (bass), Merand C. (violon), Lucas, C (drum), Frouin A (Voice), Ducoin A (éclairage), Mistress.C (images), Eros Power, (capture vidéo). Saint-Louis Theater, Moisdon la Rivière, France.
Gravotel, Chill out
Lam.A (Dancer performer), Anthony & X, (models), Ducoin, A (Electronique music). (2008) Genus 0002
Gravotel, Moisdon la Rivière, France
Films from residencies.
Gravotel, "Tiger year" France
Lam, A (Artist, Butoh Dancer, Performer, Choreographer), Kco (Actor, Performer). (2009) Ligne de vie, Annie Lam 0002. [Art/Human Installation, Action Painting] Played in 4 acts : Intestin, Bac à Sable, Sun and Moon, Le Trait. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Lam, A (Dancer). (2009) Intestin, Act 1. [Art Installation, Dance].
Lam, A (Dancer). (2009) Bac à Sable, Act 2. [Art Installation, Dance].
Lam, A (Dancer), Kco (Actor). (2009) Sun and Moon, Act 3. [Human/Art Installation, Action Painting, Dance].
Lam, A (Dancer). (2009) Le Trait, Act 4. [Human/Art Installation, Action Painting].
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Naëlle (Model, Performer). (2009) Toile, in 2 acts. [Human/Art Installation, Body Painting, Dance butoh]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Club, Concarneau, France.
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Paulico, S (Actor, Drawing, Performer), Gwen (Piercer, Actor), XL (Actor, Photographer), Naëlle (Actor, Performer). (2009) Le Trait, in 2 acts. [Performance, Action Painting, Human/Art Installation]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Lam, A (Artist, Shibari, Drawing), Paulico, S (Actor, Drawing), Naëlle (Model, Performer), XL (Actor, Photographer). (2009) Muse en cage, in 4 acts. [Performance, Action Painting, Human/Art Installation]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Olympique, Rennes, France.
Butoh Dance during Music concert by Commando Amputé (Béruriers Noir) at Olympique, Rennes.
Lam, A (Dancer), Commando Amputé (Musicians). (2009) Improvisation. [Dance, Music Concert]. Dance by Annie Lam. Music by Commando Amputé.
Saint-Louis Theater, Moisdon la Rivière, France.
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Sessylia Dark 'N Fun (Actress, Model) Kco (Performer, Model),Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Paulico, S (Model, Performer), XL (Model, Photographer), Paulico, T (Musician Basoon), Prual, M (Musician Saxophone), Lucas, C (Musician Percussion), Frouin, A (Musician Voice), Myrthim (Musician Saxophone), Auzytrice (Musician electronic), Regardin, A (Musician Trumpet), Jeff (Rope Access Technician), Soizic (Rope Access Technician). (2010) Humanus Sacrum. [Performance]. Played in 2 acts. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Paulico, S (Musician Guitarist), Flo (Singer, DJ), Lam, A (Dancer). (2010) Bluecat. [Music concert, Dance Butoh]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, France.
Annie Lam, Histoire de Riens (2010) [Exhibition] 2-5 June, 2010.
Lam, A. (2010) The Dolls. [Oil on canvas]. Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, France.
Lam, A. (2010) Calligraphies du Trait. [Calligraphies on paper]. 1m x 4m, Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, France.
Lam, A (Concept), Mazoir, F (Blacksmith). (2008) L'Autel. [Interactive Installation]. Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, France.
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Kco (Performer), Paulico, S (Actor, Performer), Pac (Rope Access Technician). (2010) Le Trait, in 2 acts. [Action Painting, Art/Human Installation, Butoh Performance]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Paulico, S (Model, Performer), Kco (Model, Performer), Pac (Rope Access Technician), Soizic (Rope Access Technician). (2010) Pluie de feu. [Butoh Performance, Human/Art Installation]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Lesslie (Model, Performer). (2010) Dark, in 2 acts. [Action Painting]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Lesslie (Model, Performer). (2010) Les Poupées, act 1. [Action Painting].
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Lesslie (Model, Performer). (2010) Sew, Act 2. [Action Painting].
Lam, A (Shibari, Mistress, Performer), Paulico, S (Shibari Assistant). (2010) L'Autel. [Interactive Installation].
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Lesslie (Model, Performer). (2010) Chaos. [Butoh Performance, Body Painting]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Aurillac Festival, Aurillac, France
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Oliver The Stone (Model, Performer), Sessylia Dark N' Fun (Model, Performer), XL (Photographer, Model), Paulico, S (Model, Performer, Musician Flute), Kco (Model, Performer), Arthur Narcy (Musician Drum), Paulico, T (Musician Basoon), Rateau, M (Musician Bouzouki), Auzytrice (Musician Electronic), Frouin, A (Musician Voice), Myrthim (Musician Saxophone). (2010) Chaos. [Butoh Performance, Body Painting]. Directed by Annie Lam and produced by Aurillac Festival.
Lam, A (Artist, Performer), Kco (Performer), Paulico, S (Actor, Performer). (2010) Le Trait, in 3 acts. [Action Painting, Art/Human Installation, Butoh Performance]. Directed by Annie Lam and produced by Aurillac Festival.
Troglobales, Ancenis, France.
Lam, A (Artist, Dancer, Performer), Kco (Model Performer), Narcy, A (Musician Drum), Myrthim (Musician Saxophone), Frouin, A (Musician Voice), Pac (Rope Access Technician), Soizic (Rope Access Technician). (2010) Le Sacre du Printemps-Alice, in 3 acts. [Art/Human Installation, Butoh Performance]. Directed by Annie and produced by Troglobales.
L'Interminable, Nantes, France.
Lam, A (Dancer), Myrthim (Musician). (2011) A Mort [Butoth Dance]. Directed and produced by Annie Lam.
Gravotel, France
« Muse en cage » en 2 parties, avec XL et Annie Lam. « Muse en cage » en 2 parties, avec Zèle et Annie Lam.
Château du Frout Bretagne, privé
« Muse en cage »
« Ambivalence »
Installation performance, et solo de buto, avec Zèle et Annie Lam.
« Colors »
« Jaune », « Rouge », Action Body Painting, solo buto, Installation. Images: Gwen et Brice
Le Château, Le Rheu, (Rennes), France
« Sex Addict » en 2 actes.
Installation-performance, Action Body Painting, Solo Buto, avec Linda, Sébastien Paulico et Annie Lam. Musique live improvisée. Narcy, Myrthim, ....
Images, Vaïda Emu et Brice.
Ateliers Lebras, Nantes, France
« Sacre du Printemps » en 7 actes, avec Kco, Vaïda, Pierre, Annie Lam, Mel. Musique improvisée: Ronan Drougard, A.Narcy, Myrthim.
Images: Philippe Logeais.
« Nude in situ », performance buto avec Kco, Vaïda, Pierre, Annie Lam, Mel. « Rouge coke », performance buto, avec Kco, Vaïda, Pierre, Annie Lam, Mel. « Descente », performance buto avec Kco et Annie Lam
« Tête à tête », performance buto avec Kco et Annie Lam
« Muse en cage », Mise en scène Action Painting, avec Mel
« Rose lait », Mise en scène, Piercing avec Kco et Annie Lam
« Rose 0001 », Action Body Painting, sur toile Installation humaine, solo Buto.
Gravotel, Atelier-appartements, « Artistes de Loire Atlantique», France.
« Romantisme », en 4 actes, avec Annie Lam et Zel. Mise en scène, installation, Action Body Painting, duo Buto.
« Cycle de la Merde » Buto Annie Lam
« Cycle du sang » Buto Zel
« Le bain », avec Zèl
« Rose », Action Body Painting, sur toile, avec Zel « Rose 0002», avec Zel.
Images: Vaïda Emu, W.Boustouler. Musique: Sébastien Paulico, Anouch.
Gravotel, Open Film, France.
Film documentaire live, inter-actif en 5 actes.
« Rose, Muses en Cage », installation danse performance, Action Body painting, avec Mel, Annie Lam, Mathilde. « Le bain », avec Zel
« Muse en cage, Pole Danse », avec Mel
« Nude in situ, Gravotel», Installations, Danse performances, avec Mel , Annie Lam et Linda,
« Nude in situ, dessert», en 2 actes, installation humaine, avec Mel et Annie Lam.
« Pinku Dollars », Concert Performance avec Mel, Polly et Zel.
Images: Vaïda Emu, Damien Piton, W.Boustouler.
Musique live improvisée: A.Narcy, Myrthim, R.Drougard, Florian Tatar
« Le Fantôme et l’Immortelle », Réalisateur
« Love », Action Body painting, Solo Buto en 2 actes.
« Le Sablier », Restaurant, Rennes, France.
« Nude in situ, dessert», Performance en 2 actes, avec Mel.
Images: Le sablier.
Gravotel, Exposition de Résidence, France.
« Blue Egg », Buto Performance, Body Painting avec Annie Lam, Zel, Mel.
Images: W.Boustouler
Musique Live improvisée: A.Narcy, Florian Tatar